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az alább leírt feltételekkel. A belépéssel elfogadod felhasználási feltételeinket.
Enten sidder du og læser dette med en samling mere eller mindre vellykkede blækklatter fordelt på kroppen, eller også har du sikkert for længst truffet beslutning om, at du ikke vil falde til mainstream-patten og lægge dig under kødnålen ligesom alle dine venner. Se de mange tusser her 'Go' morgen'-værten Lisbeth Østergaard er stor fan af tatoveringsnålen. Den blev lavet på Rock'N'Roll tattoo studio i Aberdeen, Skotland i 2010. I den almindelige befolkning var kropsudsmykning dog tabuiseret langt op i 1900-tallet.
Jeg fokuserer kun på at lave det bedst mulige arbejde, og der er ikke så mange danskere, der gider at øse ud af deres privatliv, bare fordi de skal tusses. Fortæl mig om en tatovering, som var sjov at udføre. Ring, , 500 kr.
Anders Grandt, Devil's Ink, Aarhus - Fra en kælderbeværtning i Nyhavn nr.
Det pibler frem med den ene talentfulde danske guldsmed efter den anden. De rutinerede mennesker bag de smukke smykker som Charlotte Lynggaard, Georg Jensen og Hartmanns overrasker stadig sæson efter sæson, mens de yngre guldsmede som Maria Black, Orit Elhanati og Sophie Bille Brahe er godt i gang med at løfte den tunge designarv. LÆS OGSÅ: Orit Elhanati Råt, enkelt og feminint. Norden møder det varme Mellemøsten hos Orit Elhanati. Den 42-årige guldsmed er opvokset i Danmark med en dansk mor og en israelsk far. Siden hun kom til verden er hver sommer blevet tilbragt i Tel Aviv — hvilket tydeligt kommer til udtryk i hendes smykker, der er forankret i de mellemøstlige traditioner, mikset med de skandinaviske rene linjer. Resultatet er et potpourri af mellemøstlig dekadence og skandinavisk simplicitet tilføjet en masse diamanter. En stærk signatur hos Orit Elhanati er den specielle guldoverflade, som efter lang tids bearbejdning får en organisk og nærmest levende overflade. Efter at have set kvinderne i sin familie smykke sig stod det nærmest skrevet i stjernerne, at Orit for seks år siden skulle starte på guldsmedeskolen i Hellerup. Den første kollektion blev skabt i forbindelse med hendes afslutning på skolen i 2011, hvorefter den blev solgt direkte ind til konceptbutikken Storm. Georg Jensen Smukt, diskret og voluminøst. Vi har alle haft Georg Jensens Marguerit om halsen eller hængende i øreflipperne, og måske en i din familie også har ejet Georg Jensens Vivianna-ur? Netop disse klassikere er bare et par eksempler, som beskriver Georg Jensens mere end 100 års lange historie, unikke håndværksmæssig kvalitet og tidløse æstetiske design. Georg Jensen startede tidligt i sit fag. Som bare 14-årig begyndte han, at arbejde som sølvsmed, men blev i 1892 færdiguddannet billedhugger fra Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademi. I 1904 gik han tilbage til sølvet og åbnede en sølvsmedjer på Bredgade 36 i indre København. Den første Georg Jensen-butik i København åbnede i 1912, og indtil sin død i 1935 fortsatte han med at designe nye produkter. Sophie Bille Brahe Høj kvalitet, poetisk og rent udtryk. Hun er mere populær end nogensinde før, og Net-a-porter. Sophie Bille Brahe er med sit eventyrlige, feminine univers helt sin egen. Med en uddannelse som guldsmed hos Jo Riis-Hansen og efterfølgende udklækket designer fra Londons Royal College of Art i 2009 præsenterede hun sin første kollektion, Le Fenêtre, i 2011. Sophie Bille Brahe er vokset op i et kreativt hjem, hvor historierfortælling var en del af hverdagen, og det lå naturligt i kortene, at det var design og et selvstændigt erhverv som guldsmed, der skulle være levevejen. Med sine smykker fortæller hun små historier, og senest er det Kleopatra, det gamle Egypten samt 90'ernes musikere som Marky Mark og TLC's hit Waterfalls, der har inspireret til en kollektion fyldt med klassiske hvide perler. En fascination af pyramiderne og korrelationen mellem månen og stjernerne — Sophies tiptiptipoldefar er Tycho Brahe — skinner også igennem i hendes sortiment. Se for eksempel øresmykket Croissant de Lune, hvor diamanter smyger sig op ad øret, som er blevet hendes signatursmykke. Anni Lu Legende, humorfyldt og elegant. Med et navn, som stammer fra hendes mor Anni og hendes datter Luella, har Helle Vestergaard samlet to af de ting, som betyder mest for hende, i sine smykker: Det kreative fra hendes mor, og det barnlige element fra hendes datter. Og netop det kreative og barnlige har kendetegnet Anni Lu fra begyndelsen — brandets første smykker var flerfarvede armbånd til bare 300 kr. Helles fortid som Creative Director og Art Director, og hendes kærlighed og passion for personlig stil og masser af farver startede Helle Vestergaard med en lille kollektion i 2013. Siden er det blevet til en eksklusiv linje med guld og ædelsten, halskæder, øreringe og et endnu større udvalg af armbånd. En hver Københavner-pige har siden pyntet sit håndled med armbåndene, og Helle Vestergaard har også været nomineret til flere priser for hendes fine design. Armbånd, , 540 kr. Halskæde, , 750 kr. Griegst Organisk, kunstnerisk og spektakulært. Koryfæet Griegst er verdensberømt og anerkendt for sine organiske former i både porcelæn og smykkedesign. Glem alt om den typiske funktionalisme og minimalisme, der kendetegner dansk design. Hos Griegst er det vidunderlige, fantasifulde og en smule overdrevne det, der kendetegner designet. Griegst blev i 1960 uddannet hos kunstner og guldsmed Just Andersen, og en soloudstilling i 1963 satte ham for alvor på verdenskortet, hvor både danske og internationale kritikere fik øjnene op for den Gaudí-inspirerede designer. Ud over de mange opsigtsvækkende smykker er et af hans mest kendte værker en speciallavet tiara til dronning Margrethe i 1976, samt porcelænsserien Konkylie for Den Kgl. I dag er det søn og fotograf Noam Griegst, der viderefører Griegst. Ole Lynggaard Sofistikeret, feminint og i tiden. For få år siden kunne Ole Lynggaard Copenhagen fejre deres 50-års jubilæum, og dét gjorde de med stil — blandt andet med lanceringen af mærkets elegante Snakes-kollektion. De sofistikerede smykker er hurtigt blevet en international succes og en storfavorit her på redaktionen. Den 50-årige designer og datter af Ole Lynggaard, Charlotte Lynggaard, er, sammen med sin far, den kreative designer i firmaet, som er et komplet familieforetagende. Hun blev uddannet guldsmed hos sin far i 1992 og efter et års arbejde på et reklamebureau i Paris og et år som guldsmed hos Rolf Miller i Schweiz debuterede hun i 1994 med kollektionen 'The Flower and The Bee'. Charlottes design er både elegant, feminint og sensuelt med inspiration hentet i den skandinaviske natur og det stramme japanske udtryk i designet. Han startede virksomheden for mere end 25 år siden, hvor et arbejde i auktionsbranchen og med et utal af værdifulde smykker havde gjort Ulrik klar til at åbne sit eget. Siden da har Ulrik Hartmann tilføjet eksklusive Boucheron til sit sortiment i 2014, som den eneste forhandler herhjemme af de smukke smykker fra Place Vendôme, og han fortsætter stadig med at overraske kunderne med nye fantastiske fund. Maria Black Geometri, enkelthed og opfindsomhed. Senest med webgiganten Net-a-porter. Det hele begyndte under et ophold på Ibiza i 2004, da designeren fik mulighed for at snuse til faget. Hun fik job hos to israelske guldsmede, der gav hende mulighed for at arbejde med smykkerne og lære at reparere dem. Da turen igen gik mod Danmark, besluttede hun at starte på teknisk skoles guldsmedeuddannelse, hvorfra hun fik sin eksamen i sommeren 2009. I august 2010 blev den første kollektion lanceret under den københavnske modeuge. I foråret samme år flyttede hun til London, hvor hun åbnede en bod på det populære marked Sunday Upmarket i Østlondon, samtidig med at hun fik et værksted og en produktion op at køre. De fleste smykker er lavet i rhodineret eller guldbelagt sølv, og i efteråret 2013 udvidede Maria Black Jewellery med en ny eksklusiv linje, Diamond Cut Collection, fremstillet i ædle metaller og med diamanter. Designeren har tidligere beskrevet sine smykker som havende samme udtryk som tatoveringer — tynde, simple linjer, der blot bliver en underspillet detalje. Ring, , 300 kr. Jane Kønig Råt, delikat og feminint. Det var egentlig moden, der trak, da Jane Kønig i sin tid tog uddannelsen som beklædningsdesigner på Danmarks Designskole, men den store interesse for smykkerne tog til, da hun begyndte at snuse lidt til faget ved at tilføre smykker, bæltespænder, knapper og andre elementer til sit tøjdesign. I 1993 startede Jane Kønig sit eget brand, og i dag drives firmaet fra butikken og værkstedet i Gothersgade, som hun har sammen med sin søn Jeff Kønig. Hendes nyeste kollektion har taget tendensen med perler ind og i tråd med tidens ånd har Jane Kønig fortolket de klassiske mormorperler i en ny og moderne udgave. Smykkestilen er stadig den samme genkendelige stil med en balance mellem det rå og delikate og rettet mod stilbevidste kvinder. Den første kollektion så dagens lys i 1987, og her, mere end 27 år senere, er den 56-årige smykkedesigner stadig en af de toneangivende smykkenavne herhjemme. Vedhæng med brillianter, , 4. Vedhæng, , 250 kr. Ring, , 500 kr. Marlene Juhl-Jørgensen Kontrastfyldt, ikonisk og skarpt. Marlene Juhl-Jørgensen kunne i efteråret 2013 fejre sit 20-års jubilæum i sin lille butik med tilhørende værksted i den hyggelige shoppegade St. Regnegade i Indre København. Det gjorde hun blandt andet ved at udvide sit smykkemærke med en taskekollektion. Det er dog for de rå og luksuriøse smykker i 18 karat guld og oxideret sølv med diamanter og halvædelsten, at vi kender hende bedst — og senest for hendes Nairobi Punk-kollektion, hvor punkmiljøet møder Kenyas storslåede historiefortællinger. Hornformede objekter møder sikkerhedsnåle og signetringe i guld og med diamanter i et materialevalg af haj- og vildsvinetænder, der gør udtrykket råt og kantet. Designeren siger selv, at hun designer til kvinden, som ikke er bange for at skille sig ud, og som er stilsikker nok til at kunne bruge hendes smykker i et miks frem for et rendyrket Figaros Bryllup-look. Begge er uddannet klassiske guldsmede i hhv. Vagn Drachmann og Marlene Juhl-Jørgensen. Efter at have opdaget frugtbarheden i deres samarbejde i forbindelse med smykkemærket Arena CPH i 2003 slog de endelig pjalterne sammen i 2007. Sideløbende med Arena CPH åbnede Jo Riis-Hansen sin egen butik, hvor bl. Sophie Bille Brahe blev uddannet fra, mens Line Hallberg var med til at åbne den københavnske konceptbutik Lot 29, der var tænkt som en kreativ salgsbase for accessoires, kashmir og smykker. Designerduoen har fundet deres egen signaturstil med inspiration hentet i alt fra arkitektur til kunst og natur og med afsæt i moden — hvilket resulterer i et skønt, unikt miks mellem det punkede og feminine.
Det bliver man sgu nødt til, selv om man synes, at det er dybt latterligt. I stedet ønskede hun at få de tre genstande tatoveret på sin krop. Når jeg bliver 60, ligner alle de andre mig, fortæller Lisbeth Østergaard, der ikke er færdig med at tatovere sin krop. Caballeros skal da bare fortælle, hvis de har lyst, men helt ærligt så bliver man lidt immun over for den slags i længden. Det var trendypå det tidspunkt. Jeg toner også lidt ned for farverne i forhold til tidligere. Der er nogen, som kommer ind og plaprer løs om en responsible irrelevante forhold i deres liv, og så ender det med, at de bare skal have lavet tre stjerner. Den 50-årige designer og datter af Ole Lynggaard, Charlotte Lynggaard, er, sammen med sin far, den kreative designer i firmaet, som er et komplet familieforetagende. Fire af de kvindelige deltagere har udsmykket kroppen med tatoveringer. Danmarks kronprins Frederik har en haj-tatovering på sin højre læg, og så har han på skulderen en tatovering af et nordisk motiv.
Alors que les premiers efforts de toux sont utiles pour les voies respiratoires comme vu précédemment , les efforts suivants ne le sont pas. Lorsque la toux est grasse, ce sont des mucolytiques qui seront utilisés, pour éliminer les substances gênantes présentes dans les voies respiratoires.
Les chatons infectés par des vers ont tendance à être léthargiques et ont du mal à se développer. Les parasites intestinaux du chat lui volent beaucoup des nutriments qu'il absorbe par son alimentation. C'est juste que je trouvais un peu étrange que tout le monde parle de maladie et que mon véto me parle juste d'un vers. Ce sont des chattes que nous avons réccuperé chez notre vêtérinaire elles n'avez pas un mois et comme les autres elles devaient être euthanasiées si personne ne les adoptait.
Toux chez le chat - Les symptômes ne sont pas spécifiques, par exemple un manque d'énergie, une perte de poids et de la toux. Nous avons aussi sa soeur qui elle n'a rien du tout.
Bonjour, ma chatte de 8 mois tousse depuis une dizaine de jours au début c'était une a deux foi par jour, par quintes on a l'impression qu'elle va vomir. N'ayant pas prêté suffisament attention je le reconnais car nous sommes en pleine campagne et qu'elle vit dehors je ne la voit que deux ou trois foi par jour et qu'en dehors de ces quintes tout allé très bien. Aujourd'hui ça toux c'est agravée et ces quintes sont régulières et même au repos le matin on entend une légère gêne respiratoire. Nous avons aussi sa soeur qui elle n'a rien du tout. Ce sont des chattes que nous avons réccuperé chez notre vêtérinaire elles n'avez pas un mois et comme les autres elles devaient être euthanasiées si personne ne les adoptait. C'est pourquoi en cherchant sur internet une réponse j'ai vu que cela pouver provenir d'une boule de poil ou bien une infestation par les vers, je lui est donc donné un vermifuge ce matin, j'espère avoir de bon résultats mais si votre chat a les même synthômes pouvez-vous me dire si vous avez pu le soigné? Pour ma part je lui est fait passer une batterie de test : Controle sida - Antibio - Cortisone. Rien ne fonctionne, ses radios des poumons sont toujours aussi inquietantes grosse inflammation des bronches. Le véto se tourne désormais vers des traitement plus rare contre des vers dans les poumons. Merci de me tenir informer. Si vous avez d'autres infos je vous remerci par avance car je sais pas si je doit faire confiance au veto car on paye mais aucun resultat picasso Bonjour, Il serait bien d'emmener votre chat au veto bien que je vous l'accorde c'est une fortune. Mon chat lui faisait régulièrement la même chose que votre chat pour au final apprendre que c'était de l'asthme. Une grosse piqure de cortisone tout les 6 mois c'est pas la ruine non plus. Enfin pour faire en sorte que votre chat soit le plus tranquille possible, favoriser un endroit sans poussière, surtout eviter l'humidité pas d'accée aux chambres où se sont de vrai nids a poussière ainsi que les pièces avec de la moquette. Enfin il se peu aussi que votre chat est fait une mauvaise chute et que ses poumons face de l'eau mélangés à du pu... Un remède que je vous offre gratuitement. Le perubore,Eucalyptus en inhalation en rajoutant une cuillère à soupe de l'huile d'olive et une cuillère à soupe de miel pendant 4 jours midi et soir. Résultat plus de toux pendant pas mal de semaines et une super joli robe le poil. Poser votre casserole d'eau bouillante sur le dessous de plat près de la grille à gage et là vous mettez 1 ou 2 pour mon chat de 10 ans pastilles de Perubore inhalation dans l'eau en recouvrant toute la cage et le contour de la casserole rapidement. Bonjour, ma chatte segoline qui va avoir trois ans en mars tousse depuis au moins 2 ans, la veterinaire a dit qu'elle avait une malformation cardiaque et un oeudéme pulmonaire, elle m'a donné du fortekor 2,5, un cachet tous les jours et de la cortisone dexoral en cure, en plus elle est assez grosse et je dois lui faire faire un regime, mais je ne sais pas si ce traitement est bien, la veterinaire avait ajouter du furozénol 10 mg que j'ai arreté au bout de 4 jours car elle toussait 2 fois plus, je ne sais plus quoi faire, je vais essayer le perubore mais malgrès la radio je ne suis pas sure du diagnostic car il y a 2 ans ma segoline boitait, elle avait super mal à la hanche et la veterinaire apres avoir vu la radio, m'a dit que c'etait une malformation et qu'il fallait l'operer, heureusement que je n'en ai rien fait car c'est partit tout seul, c'est pour ça que je me demande si je ne dois pas aller voir quelqu'un d'autre, si quelqu'un pouvait m'aider, merci d'avance.... Bonjour, Pour être certain du type de la malformation cardiaque et du bon traitement, il faut faire passer un doppler par un vétérinaire specialisé qui peut se déplacer chez votre véto avec son appareil. Le Fortekor est en effet le traitement normalement prescrit mais il y en a d'autres. C'est un traitement efficace qui doit normalement être pris à vie. Le Furozenol est normalment prescrit pour quelques jours, une 10 en general pour traiter les oeudemes. Je pense que l'aretter n'était pas une très bonne idée... Il n'y a que la radio qui peu dire si l'oeudeme regresse. Le Fortekor aidera le coeur mais il ne supprimera pas l'oeudème. Si l'oeudème est vraiment important, il faudra le ponctionner.. Votre chat menagera ses efforts, il faudra eviter tout stress il est cardiaque. Il faut un bon suivi et le traitement adapté. Un regime lui fera sans doute du bien mais attention aux carances!! Je l'ai soigné pendant 4 ans avec du Fortekor F5 et de l'Amlor. Visite de controle anuelle avec le véto specialisé afin d'adapter le traitement. Il m'a quitté à l'age de 7 ans et il a vecu presque normalement. A noter que sa CMH était très, très avancée quand on l'a decouvert un peu tard... Attention aussi de bien verifier que votre minette ne recrache pas ses comprimés. Nos chats sont rusés!! Courage donc et demandez à voir un véto specialisé!! Merci beaucoup de votre reponse, j'ai pris rendez vous vendredi après midi avec un veterinaire pour lui faire l'echo cardiaque et le doppler, j'avoue que j'ai un peu peur de ce qu'il va me dire car comme tout le monde je ne voudrais pas perdre ma segoline, je l'ai elever quand elle etait minuscule, sa mére ne voulait pas trop la nourrir, c'est moi qui l'aie nourri avec du lait de pharmacie, ça cree des liens, on verra d'ou vient cette malformation et j'espere qu'on pourra la soigner, merci pour vos precieux conseils a bientot, bonne journée Bonjour, voilà, je viens d'adopter une petite chatte qui a 4 mois, que g eu via une association, chez des gens très sympas. Elle a eu un cachet de vermifuge il ya 3 jours. Oui tu peux commencer a t'inquiéter mais pour ne pas que cela s'agrave. Un chat qui commence a tousser régulierement est un chat qui est en train de se remplir les bronches ce qui lui donne du mal a respirer. G eu le même probleme. Mon véto a fait une serie de test à mon chat, qui a l'epoque qui avait 8 mois, pour qu'on s'apercoive qu'il a des allergies alimentaires. Désormais g des croquettes hypoallergenique et elle va tres bien. Par contre ne rien lui donner a coté sinon ses toux reprennent. Pour moi c un chat d'interieur donc je peux le maitriser, ce qui est plus difficile si il va a l'exterieur. J'espere que ca va s'arranger rapidement pour toi, Courage et carresse a ton chat! Bonjour, J'ai lu toutes vos questions et réponses car je me trouve évidemment dans la même situation: une chatte de 5 ans qui a commencé à tousser il y a 3 semaines. Véto la semaine dernière : trachéite. Antibio pendant 7 jours hourra! Elle a pourtant recommencé à tousser il y a deux nuits. Alors, analyses ou pas? Elle mange beaucoup , joue, n'a plus l'air d'avoir mal car n'est plus agressive et ne sort pas. Ca pourrait vraiment venir du stress? Et sa soeur n'a rien du tout! Moi aussi je m'inquiète pour mon chat. Je l'ai amené au véto à Tours je lui en ai aussi parlé car je m'inquiétais il m'a dit que si ce n'était pas trop régulier ou une toux persistante qu'il ne fallait pas s'inquiéter... Là je surveille c'est vrai qu'elle tousse parfois ms pas tt le tps non plus! Sinon Naiade est en bonne santé c'est un chat d'appartement je précise dc pas d'accès a l'extérieur. J'ai pensé que c'était peut etre les boules de poil comme le véto l'a évoqué et puis mon chat a en effet un poil épais! Rédigez maintenant votre réponse ici...
Sachez reconnaitre les nématodes. Mon chat qui tousse vers tousse, que se servile-t-il. Dans la liste des problèmes graves, on retrouve aussi les œdèmes pulmonaires. N'ayant pas prêté suffisament attention je le reconnais car nous sommes en pleine campagne et qu'elle vit dehors je ne la voit que deux ou trois foi par jour et qu'en dehors de ces quintes con allé très bien. L'ancylostoma duodenalis se retrouve dans le lait maternel, mais les chatons peuvent aussi l'attraper en marchant sur une couche sale et infectée. Demandez à votre vétérinaire de vérifier la présence de vers du cœur. Alors voir un autre véto. Ils sont généralement responsables des chatons avec un gros ventre et provoquent des vomissements et de la diarrhée. Lorsque la toux est sèche, on peut, par exemple utiliser des antitussifs met soulager l'animal des douleurs, des gênes qui peuvent aussi l'épuiser. Mais mieux vaut consulter ton véto. Ils vont être plus petits, moins énergiques, leur fourrure va être terne, ils vont avoir le ventre rond et moins de graisse sur les côtes et la colonne vertébrale. La meilleure façon de vérifier la présence de vers à l'exception des vers du cœur avant qu'ils ne mettent en u la vie du chat est d'apporter un échantillon d'excréments frais chez votre vétérinaire.
Kako da se upoznam preko neta? Voli kuce a sa macama je posebno odusevljena : Kratka istorija o Tari: Pronasli smo je sa ranama od ujeda pasa, izgladnelu i punu krpelja. Tražim devojku za putovanje.
Šta žene vole da im se priča tokom ljubavi? Tražim devojku za putovanje. Kada je shvatila da ne može da živi bez njega i da joj je prava stvar sve vreme bila pred nosom, već mu je slomila srce.
On traži nju, ona traži njega - Devojka traži devojku za druženje. Udata žena i mlađi muškarac.
Ona traži njega za vezu. Kako se upotrebljavaju japanske kuglice? Kako oralno zadovoljiti muškarca? Kako oralno zadovoljiti ženu? On traži nju za seks. Besplatni seksi oglasi u Srbiji. Kako se postaje starleta? Eskort dame u Beogradu. Kako da se upoznam preko interneta? Kako da se upoznam preko neta? Tražim devojku za letovanje. Tražim devojku za putovanje. Devojka traži devojku za druženje. Devojka traži devojku za vezu. Žena traži ženu za druženje. Žena traži ženu za vezu. Kako da nađem svingerski par? Devojke spremne za druženje. Udata žena i mlađi muškarac. Tražim muškarca za povremene susrete. Ona traži njega za vezu. Kako se upotrebljavaju japanske kuglice? Kako oralno zadovoljiti muškarca? Kako oralno zadovoljiti ženu? On traži nju za seks. Besplatni seksi oglasi u Srbiji. Kako se postaje starleta? Eskort dame u Beogradu. Kako da se upoznam preko interneta? Kako da se upoznam preko neta? Tražim devojku za letovanje. Tražim devojku za putovanje. Devojka traži devojku za druženje. Devojka traži devojku za vezu. Žena traži ženu za druženje. Žena traži ženu za vezu. Kako da nađem svingerski par? Devojke spremne za druženje. Udata žena i mlađi muškarac. Tražim muškarca za povremene susrete. Ona traži njega za vezu. Kako se upotrebljavaju japanske kuglice? Kako oralno zadovoljiti muškarca? Kako oralno zadovoljiti ženu? On traži nju za seks. Besplatni seksi oglasi u Srbiji. Kako se postaje starleta? Eskort dame u Beogradu. Kako da se upoznam preko interneta? Kako da se upoznam preko neta? Tražim devojku za letovanje. Tražim devojku za putovanje. Devojka traži devojku za druženje. Devojka traži devojku za vezu. Žena traži ženu za druženje. Žena traži ženu za vezu. Kako da nađem svingerski par? Devojke spremne za druženje. Udata žena i mlađi muškarac. Tražim muškarca za povremene susrete. Ona traži njega za vezu. Kako se upotrebljavaju japanske kuglice? Kako oralno zadovoljiti muškarca? Kako oralno zadovoljiti ženu? On traži nju za seks. Besplatni seksi oglasi u Srbiji. Kako se postaje starleta? Eskort dame u Beogradu. Kako da se upoznam preko interneta? Kako da se upoznam preko neta? Tražim devojku za letovanje. Tražim devojku za putovanje. Devojka traži devojku za druženje. Devojka traži devojku za vezu. Žena traži ženu za druženje. Žena traži ženu za vezu. Kako da nađem svingerski par? Devojke spremne za druženje. Udata žena i mlađi muškarac. Tražim muškarca za povremene susrete. Žena traži ženu za druženje. Žena traži lezbejku za seks. Ona traži njega za seks. Kako devojci skinuti nevinost? Ona traži nju za seks. Klubovi za biseksualce u Beogradu. Kako se liže klitoris? Kako se maze žene. Kako oralno zadovoljiti muškarca? On traži nju za vezu. Ona traži njega za ozbiljnu vezu. Kako se postaje gospodin? Ljubav između dve žene. Ona traži nju za vezu. Klubovi za druženje svingera u Beogradu. Klubovi za druženje lezbejki u Beogradu. Kako naći devojku preko interneta? Pravila oblačenja za muslimanke. Klubovi za svingere u Srbiji. Klubovi za svingere u Beogradu. Žena traži ženu za druženje. Žena traži lezbejku za seks. Ona traži njega za seks. Kako devojci skinuti nevinost? Ona traži nju za seks. Klubovi za biseksualce u Beogradu. Kako se liže klitoris? Kako se maze žene. Kako oralno zadovoljiti muškarca? On traži nju za vezu. Ona traži njega za ozbiljnu vezu. Kako se postaje gospodin? Ljubav između dve žene. Ona traži nju za vezu. Klubovi za druženje svingera u Beogradu. Klubovi za druženje lezbejki u Beogradu. Kako naći devojku preko interneta? Pravila oblačenja za muslimanke. Klubovi za svingere u Srbiji. Klubovi za svingere u Beogradu. Ona je sterilisana, ociscena od svih unutrasnjih i spoljasnjih parazita, uredno pregledana od strane veterinara i dobrog zdravlja Ima kucne manire, naucna je da ide na povodac i bez njega, poslusna i druzeljubiva. Voli kuce a sa macama je posebno odusevljena : Kratka istorija o Tari: Pronasli smo je sa ranama od ujeda pasa, izgladnelu i punu krpelja. Nakon toga je bila kod nas u stanu dok je primila sve antibiotike a kasnije, zbog nemogucnosti da je zadrzimo odveli smo je u pansion i ona tamo vec mesec dana ceka nekoga ko ce je udomiti, i koga ce ona usreciti. Za sva pitanja i informacije posaljite poruku ili pozovite. Poželećete da svi koje poznajete pročitaju ovu knjigu. Lepota ove knjige nije u tome što ona daje lake odgovore na mučna pitanja, nego u tome što vas poziva bliže Bogu milosrđa i ljubavi, u kome nalazimo nadu i isceljenje. Kada covek dodje u dodir sa smrcu, kada se udalji od ovog, da kazem, lazljivog i izgubljenog sveta, pa se vrati nazad, tada trazi neki dublji smisao svog postojanja, trazi Boga - ljubav. Moramo pustiti ljubav u sebe, jer to je nase prirodno stanje, to smo mi. Ne mozemo pobeci od ljubavi - ona ce pobediti sta god da se desi. Kakvo bezanje od zivota i Njega - Nje! Ako ga ne pustimo u sebe, ostacemo masine. Ubedjena sam da je svako osetio u svom zivotu da mu nesto nedostaje, da nije potpun... Eto, to je to, nedostaje mu ljubav, a svako moze biti voljen. Da li je to tesko? Ovo znači da je potrebno razmotriti i mesto odrasle osobe: ona postaje pratilac deteta, vaspitač koji ga ne posmatra kao komad gline koji treba uobličiti. I on se ludo zaljubio u nju: nikada u životu nije bila toliko sigurna da je pronašla svoju srodnu dušu. Zbog toga, kada on krene na odmor koji je isplanirao pre nego što su se upoznali i obeća da će je zvati još s aerodroma, ona nema razloga da sumnja u njega. Prijatelji joj govore da ga zaboravi, ali ona zna da nisu u pravu: sigurno se nešto dogodilo, mora da postoji neko objašnjenje za to što joj se ne javlja. Ne prestaje da ga traži i tako otvara vrata koja su dugo bila zatvorena: najzad otkriva da nije pogrešila i da je razlog za njegov nestanak jedino što nisu podelili jedno sa drugim. Hese je bio izuzetno zainteresovan za Niceova dela, pa verovatno odatle potice Demijanova sklonost da prizna svet nagona kao ravnopravan svetu duha pa možda cak i kao nadmocniji od njega. Dalji korak u zaoštravanju krajnosti predstavlja pojava Demijanove majke Eve. Ona u romanu ima ulogu kao i božanstvo Abraksaz koje je imalo zadatak da u sebi sjedini božansko i satansko. Put koji individua traži u svetu nespokoja jeste put do samog sebe jer je to jedini moguci nacin da se prode trnovitim stazama života. Demijan Herman HeseBIGZ Beograd 1983159 str. Solidno stanje, posvetaVideti slike Kraj jedne ljubavne priče nikada nije bio ovako zabavan Ako pitate Vivijen, ona i njen verenik Rob samo su na pauzi, nakon što je on po treći put pobegao na korak do oltara. Ona radi ono što bi uradila i svaka druga devojka: traži po internetu priče o raskidima i slomljenim srcima. Kada je shvatila da ne može da živi bez njega i da joj je prava stvar sve vreme bila pred nosom, već mu je slomila srce. Vivijen sada mora da se suoči sa pitanjem: koja je najluđa stvar koju biste uradili zbog ljubavi? Koja je uloga Amfitrite, što je žena koja će biti za njega vrlo posebna, ona koju on negde traži? Posejdon i Amfitrita predstavljaju jedan vrlo poseban, idealistički par — onaj koji govori o srodnoj duši i o potrebi da se nađe jedno perfektno zadovoljstvo. Oni ukazuju da je ipak postojalo jedno idealno zadovoljstvo koje će natus uvek tražiti i koje će uvek imati težnju da ispuni, pa dok god čovek ne bude našao svoje ispunjenje, on će uvek ponovo i ponovo da dolazi i da se vraća nesvesno njega tražeći.... Knjiga obrađuje prirodu ova dva tela, kao i njihov specifičan uglovni odnos koji sam po sebi govori o idealnoj vezi, dok njihove pozicije po kućama horoskopa otkrivaju mesta na kojima privlačimo drugu stranu i ona na kojima smo sami privučeni. Uz knjigu su date efemeride za oba asteroida za period od 100 godina. I on se ludo zaljubio u nju: nikada u životu nije bila toliko sigurna da je pronašla svoju srodnu dušu. Ne prestaje da ga traži i tako otvara vrata koja su dugo bila zatvorena: najzad otkriva da nije pogrešila i da je razlog za njegov nestanak jedino što nisu podelili jedno sa drugim. Kada Helen od oca, trgovca umetničkim delima, dobije tajanstvenu poruku u kojoj od nje traži da pronađe jedan ključ i pomoću njega otkrije predmet koji je on sakrio, pred njima je težak izbor. Povinuju se želji Heleninog oca, ali im se na tom putu isprečava zli okultista Aurelijan Pauns. Da bi se domogao blaga koje će mu doneti neograničenu moć i večni život, on ne preza ni od čega. A želi li ona zaista da bude spasena? I ima li Džerald de Hevilend kontrolu nad događajima, ili je samo pion u tuđim rukama, koji će biti žrtvovan kada više ne bude od koristi? Kad predivo stvarnosti počne da se odvija, a neverovatni događaji da se nižu, svako mora krenuti svojim putem. Ipak, svi putevi vode u Grad pustoši, gde se sve završava kosmičkom borbom između Dobra i Zla. Ona traži njega za brak. Seks u studentskom domu. Seks za vreme posta. Svingerski klubovi u Hrvatskoj. Kako se postaje srećna žena. Šta žene privlači kod muškarca. Kako da zavedem muškarca? Uticaj kokaina na seks. Muškarac traži ženu za ozbiljnu vezu. Žena traži muškarca za ozbiljnu vezu. Želim da upoznam lepu devojku. Kako da prevarim muža? Kako da prevarim ženu? Kako žena da zavede muškarca? Šta žene vole u krevetu? Knjiga koja se najviše čita 2018. Šta žene vole da im se priča tokom ljubavi? Ona traži njega za vezu. Kako se upotrebljavaju japanske kuglice? Kako oralno zadovoljiti muškarca? Kako oralno zadovoljiti ženu? On traži nju za seks. Besplatni seksi oglasi u Srbiji. Kako se postaje starleta? Eskort dame u Beogradu. Kako da se upoznam preko interneta? Kako da se upoznam preko neta? Tražim devojku za letovanje. Tražim devojku za putovanje. Devojka traži devojku za druženje. Devojka traži devojku za vezu. Žena traži ženu za druženje. Žena traži ženu za vezu. Kako da nađem svingerski par? Devojke spremne za druženje. Udata žena i mlađi muškarac. Tražim muškarca za povremene susrete. Jednostavno se postavi na mesto u automobilu za njega namenjeno i poveze sa telefonom. Nakon malo vremena sve informacije vezane za potrosnju goriva, upotrebu kiseonika, napon, kolicinu izduvnih gasova, brzinu, kvarova i sl. Ovim uredjajem se takodje mogu brisati sve greske koje stoje na bordu vozila. Preko Bluetooth-a povezite mobilni i uredjaj ako trazi sifru ona je 0000 ili 1234 i to je to : istrazivanje automobila moze da pocneZa vise informacija slobodno pitajte! Dete od nas traži da mu pomognemo da nešto uradi samo i da poštujemo njegov ritam. Ovo znači da je potrebno razmotriti i mesto odrasle osobe: ona postaje pratilac deteta, vaspitač koji ga ne posmatra kao komad gline koji treba uobličiti. Ona takođe učestvuje u širenju ove pedagogije svojim delima, fotografijama i blogom. У периоду од 1952. Умро је у Новом Саду 1988. У свет уметничког стваралаштва ушао је као дечак чији је отац био уметнички столар и ту се сусреће са уметничким цртежом. Одлазећи у цркву он је открио иконе Уроша Предића што је јако утицало на њега. На уметничку школу уписао се 1932. Сећања на уметничку школу су веома позитивна и интензивна. Желео је да постане ако не Леонардо да Винчи барем као Урош Предић. Opis Raito, koji je iz poruke drugog Kire shvatio njegovu pravu nameru, odlazi u Aojamu da bi ostvario kontakt s njim, ali drugi Kira, to jest Misa, umesto toga otkriva njega. Nakon toga nenajavljeno dolazi u njegovu kuću i obećava mu da će se udružiti s njim. Raito zatim učvršćuje svoju rešenost da ubije L-a koristeći šinigamija Rem, koji prati Misu. Sateran u ćošak, Raito uzima stvar u svoje ruke i sam traži da bude pod nadzorom! Kraj jedne ljubavne priče nikada nije bio ovako zabavan Ako pitate Vivijen, ona i njen verenik Rob samo su na pauzi, nakon što je on po treći put pobegao na korak do oltara. Ona radi ono što bi uradila i svaka druga devojka: traži po internetu priče o raskidima i slomljenim srcima. Suočena sa svim tim tužnim iskustvima, odlučuje da napravi sopstveni veb-sajt, kao neku vrstu utočišta u kojem bi oni koji pate zbog ljubavi mogli da podele svoja iskustva i razmene korisne savete. Kada je shvatila da ne može da živi bez njega i da joj je prava stvar sve vreme bila pred nosom, već mu je slomila srce. Vivijen sada mora da se suoči sa pitanjem: koja je najluđa stvar koju biste uradili zbog ljubavi? MOLIM VAS PAŽLJIVO PROČITAJTE! Komunikacija isključivo porukama na kupujem - prodajem. Ona traži njega za brak. Seks u studentskom domu. Seks za vreme posta. Svingerski klubovi u Hrvatskoj. Kako se postaje srećna žena. Šta žene privlači kod muškarca. Kako da zavedem muškarca? Uticaj kokaina na seks. Muškarac traži ženu za ozbiljnu vezu. Žena traži muškarca za ozbiljnu vezu. Želim da upoznam lepu devojku. Kako da prevarim muža? Kako da prevarim ženu? Kako žena da zavede muškarca? Šta žene vole u krevetu? Knjiga koja se najviše čita 2018. Šta žene vole da im se priča tokom ljubavi? Jednostavno se postavi na mesto u automobilu za njega namenjeno i poveze sa telefonom. Nakon malo vremena sve informacije vezane za potrosnju goriva, upotrebu kiseonika, napon, kolicinu izduvnih gasova, brzinu, kvarova i sl. Ovim uredjajem se takodje mogu brisati sve greske koje stoje na bordu vozila. Preko Bluetooth-a povezite mobilni i uredjaj ako trazi sifru ona je 0000 ili 1234 i to je to : istrazivanje automobila moze da pocne Za vise informacija slobodno pitajte! Kraj jedne ljubavne priče nikada nije bio ovako zabavan Ako pitate Vivijen, ona i njen verenik Rob samo su na pauzi, nakon što je on po treći put pobegao na korak do oltara. Ona radi ono što bi uradila i svaka druga devojka: traži po internetu priče o raskidima i slomljenim srcima. Kada je shvatila da ne može da živi bez njega i da joj je prava stvar sve vreme bila pred nosom, već mu je slomila srce. Vivijen sada mora da se suoči sa pitanjem: koja je najluđa stvar koju biste uradili zbog ljubavi?
licni oglasi
Besplatni seksi oglasi u Srbiji. Tražim devojku za putovanje. Kako oralno zadovoljiti ženu. Žena traži ženu za druženje. Devojke spremne za druženje. Kako da se upoznam preko interneta. For SE TAKVI PORTALI DA NE UPLACUJU BANERE DOK NAS PRVO NE KONTAKTIRAJU. Kako se upotrebljavaju japanske kuglice. У периоду од 1952. Udata žena i mlađi muškarac.
England demands to know why she's acting so smug, though Seychelles says that he of all people shouldn't be saying that. Kyouko is a young filmmaker who loves to capture. Admins may delete older deviations from the gallery to keep the folder clean of spam.
When Seychelles states that she doesn't feel like being England's colony anymore, France offers to help her. Seychelles answers that she'll keep eating all her breakfast, as she wonders just how old France is. Admins may delete older deviations from the gallery to keep the folder clean of spam.
Hetalia Interactive Dating Game - Italy mentions that Japan looks dejected, and he must be going through jigyaku masochism, self-torture.
In this alternative universe game, the cast are all in their teens and attend the multicultural private high school, World Academy W. The player character is , a new transfer student. A commercial version of the game for the engine is slated for release in later 2010. Gameplay Game Summary Based on 2007 game demo Gakuen Hetalia Title Screen Part 1 Seychelles arrives at her new school, looking around at the vast campus. She narrates that the school was founded recently, and that it imparts education to other countries in hopes of achieving world peace. She mentions that all nations must attend it at least once in their life, though has perpetually skipped school and nobody can do anything about it due to fear of his explosive temper. Seychelles explains that she was living peacefully in her set of islands, but that the European nations forced her to enroll at the academy. While in the past, she was rich and strong, she is now poor and useless, only able to sing, dance, and make souvenirs. Suddenly, she is approached by , who asks which country she's supposed to be. He clamps a dog collar around her neck as he declares her to be his new colony much to her horror and his amusement. Seychelles becomes upset by this notion, while England orders that as his territory, she must do everything he says and work under him, as he is the president of the student council. He warns that if she tries to flee, he'll invade her house. We fade to a brief beach flashback of Seychelles, as an old man her grandfather converses with her about her departure to the outside world. Seychelles states that the only friends she has on the island are the sea life, but her grandfather insists that she'll be able to succeed if she tries hard. Seychelles answers that she'll do her best, even if her flag and national emblem are lame and she'll surely be bullied. He lets her go, and she wanders the halls, noting how huge the place is and musing over her depression at being there. Seychelles decides to ask China about the classes, unsure of where she belongs in the school. As she mentions that she became England's territory, China expresses sympathy and states that England is extremely brutal and bullied him as well by destroying his house and making him take strange medicines. China explains that due to England's high position in the student council, nobody can go against him, and he once tried to but lost. He tells Seychelles not to be depressed, for maybe they'll have a chance to win against him in the future. Seychelles muses over how useful a spear would be against England, then wonders if tuna fish and seagulls would help her odds as well. China introduces himself as being part of the Asia class, and that he's famous so she should have at least heard of him before though she hasn't. Seychelles still expresses confusion over the location of her class, but China offers to lead her to the Africa class. Seychelles then asks China if she can pet his panda... Part 3 Seychelles introduces herself to the other students of the Africa class. She at first seems to think she can fit in well, as all the others seem to be fun. The first other five students introduce themselves as territories of England, much to her shock. She flashes back to what he said about the rules, and becomes upset. Five more students introduce themselves, the last one being Ethiopia unseen , who nervously states that he's an Italian territory. Seychelles wonders if Ethiopia is joking, and figures that she doesn't understand their humor. The other students ask Seychelles what her national emblem and flag are like, as another student details the significance of their flag design. Seychelles hesitates, thinking to herself about how she wanted to skip showing people the emblem. Part 4 After class is over, Seychelles muses over her embarrassment, as the other African nations laughed at her design, one laughing so hard that they had to be carried off by paramedics. As she walks further, lost in thought, she collides with , who falls and hits his head on the hard marble floor. He looks up at her, smiling and holding a crepe, and states that he's okay. Seychelles panics and mentions that his stock market went down due to her,. Italy is soon overcome by his emotions and the pain in his head and passes out, mentioning that he sees his. As Seychelles freaks out at the unconscious Italy, appears and orders for her to step aside and make room. He then tells Seychelles not to worry, for he'll come back immediately. Japan yells at Italy, demanding to know what he's doing sleeping in the hallway. Italy stirs a little, as Japan orders him to put his clothes on when he goes to sleep, and to stop singing in his sleep. Italy becomes confused by the fact that he can't see anywhere, but Japan explains that he must have been hearing things. Seychelles apologizes for bumping into Italy, though Japan reveals that Italy crashes into people at least 8 times a day. Italy becomes confused, as he believes it's only 5 people. Seychelles recalls Ethiopia stating that he was an Italian territory. Italy asks if she's a new student, and cheers over the fact that she is while Japan tries to get him to calm down. Italy mentions that Japan looks dejected, and he must be going through jigyaku masochism, self-torture. Seychelles apologizes once more, as Italy and Japan continue to recommend the club. Seychelles introduces herself as an English territory, to the two boys' surprise. Italy tells her to be strong, for the food is terrible, while Japan tells him he shouldn't be saying things like that. Seychelles tells the other two that she'll go to their club if she has spare time after school, and the three part ways. Part 5 Seychelles bumps into England in the library, who informs her that she has arrived late. As Seychelles sits down for a discussion with him, England becomes confused by her usage of French words like oui and quoi?. The two argue, and it is revealed that France is the vice-president of the student council. France notices that Seychelles is there, and informs England that she's his girlfriend, so he should leave her alone. France apologizes to Seychelles for not telling her in advance about England, while England becomes confused at the fact the two know each other. Seychelles thinks about how it was France who invited her to the school, and that he raised her from when she was a child, teaching her his language and culture. She mentions that when he gave her a short skirt to wear, she thought his goal was to see her body, but he acted like a gentleman to her. She then mentally states that he looks like he's a little too old to be in high school. England gets annoyed at France for claiming ownership over Seychelles, while France compliments her on her uniform. France attempts to undress Seychelles, much to her shock and embarrassment as she panics that he's touching her Vallee de Mai Natural Reserve and that her exchange rate will go up due to that. England notes that it looks like France is sexually harassing her, but France explains that it's only a form of expressing love and that England must contact other people with more love himself. France apologizes in return and says that since he had a good time, he'll call it a tie. As England becomes baffled at the entire scene, the demo cuts off. Omake In a post-credits scene, and Italy talk to the audience about the demo. Italy explains that the demo was made to celebrate 6 million hits on , but that the hit count climbed to 7 million by the time it was finished, and that it was climbing to 8 million by the time this omake was made. Italy wonders if Himaruya will be okay, for authors have their troubles too. Spain tells Italy not to complain, and that if they leave it to the author, he can try a little harder. He thanks the audience for playing the demo of the game, and Italy expresses hope that they'll meet again. Meanwhile, wonders when it will be his turn to speak. Japan states that there is no such turn for him, while America wonders if he's really serious. It is unknown if this screenplay will still be valid or not for the commercial PSP version. Part 7 France notes that Seychelles has been claimed by both him and England, but asks her what she wants to do. Seychelles becomes annoyed at France for speaking of her as if she were an object. England then states that unless Seychelles becomes strong in the school, he himself is free to do whatever he wants with her. Seychelles is infuriated and threatens to punch England, France offering to assist her in doing so. England then becomes reminded of something, as he realizes that France is trying to assist his colony in becoming independent. France tells England that it's his fault for being too strict with them which causes them to run away , and it's why America became independent. England threatens to start over again, and a fight breaks out between the two. Seychelles watches, thinking that she could easily get away, yet wondering if it'd be better if she stayed. He asks Seychelles if she can show him how to cast the spell afterwards, though Seychelles is disturbed at how he isn't frightened by her threat. France and Seychelles both become intimidated by England, who yells at them to go away. In the corridor, Seychelles muses over how France and England don't get along, and how she has never met so many people. Seychelles becomes embarrassed by this and states that she's no longer a child. Seychelles attacks France, injuring his in the process. France insists that it's love, though Seychelles disagrees. England tells Seychelles that he'll have a word with France, though France reminds Seychelles of how she used to pester him to carry her around as a kid. Seychelles insists it was in the past, while England calls him a pervert. France says that it's only an expression of love that the two can't understand, but England says that he's too loose with his lower half and that he won't allow it in a school with morals. France says that he only does those things to the people he loves, so it doesn't count as sexual harassment. He adds that England can't understand as he's never been loved, which causes a fight to break out between the two as England threatens to burn down. In the corridor, Seychelles reminisces over how France used to carry her and becomes embarrassed by the memory. Choice 3: Manga Research Club Seychelles leaves the student council room, as England and France continue to fight. She finds a storage room, but becomes frightened by the sudden appearance of Germany, who orders her to sit down after she explains that Italy and Japan told her to come there. Seychelles has an awkward, limited conversation with Germany, as she feels intimidated by his very presence. The silence is broken when Italy and Japan arrive, which causes Seychelles to become tearful and happy. Italy explains that Germany isn't used to dealing with girls, and Japan tells her not to mind him. Germany orders an explanation from Italy, who tells him that they invited Seychelles to join their club. Italy explains that the club is for reading manga and watching anime, and Japan adds that they do research on manga and try to draw their own. Japan reveals that he is the one who organized the club, though it is the others who are enthusiastic about it. Italy adds that they want their club to be a full-fledged one, but that England won't give them a definite answer. Germany agrees with Seychelles on England being stubborn, which causes Seychelles to be reminded of the student council room and the possible punishment that England will inflict upon her for leaving she imagines him ordering her to clean all the men's toilets and the library. Seychelles excuses herself and prepares to leave, but Italy offers her his favorite manga to read, though Germany and Japan question his taste. Italy gives Seychelles 25 volumes of the manga, causing her to become weighed down by the stack. She bids farewell to the boys, and staggers back down the hallway with all the volumes of the manga. Seychelles wonders about the dorms in the school, as well as what the manga will be like. Part 8 Seychelles bumps into America in the hallway, who asks her if she's seen England and demonstrates that he has very thick eyebrows and happens to be short. She tells him that England is busy in the council room. Seychelles answers that she's lived for quite a long time, but only recently got a name and that it's her first day at the school. America is in disbelief that nobody else had ever heard of Seychelles, and wonders if she has a strange culture he never knew of. He introduces himself to the worried Seychelles and states that his hobbies are archeology and studying the cultures of other countries. He asks her to teach him about her culture, though Seychelles tells him that her islands are mostly forests and sea and that she doesn't have many myths. America however, is intrigued by the idea of myths. Seychelles muses to herself about how her myths are rather obscene such as a palm tree that resembles a woman's genitalia. America pulls out a map, and asks Seychelles how far away she would be from New York. Seychelles explains that England gave her it, and America responds that it's best if she doesn't make England mad. America then spots England leaving the student council room, and decides to ask him about Seychelles. America and England then have a bit of an argument, as England reminds America of how he broke away to become independent. America replies that it's in the past, and adds that England always talks of the past. France only laughs at the situation, much to England's annoyance. Seychelles watches the three from afar, and wonders if it's time for her to go to her dorm. Part 9 Seychelles wanders the halls in search of her dorm, wondering how to go about finding it. She considers asking someone, but fears that someone else will try to make her a colony. She spots and decides to ask him, as he looks harmless. Seychelles asks Russia where the dorm is, but instantly becomes disturbed and feels the atmosphere tensing. Though Russia smiles, she can't help but feel like she asked the wrong person as she tries to repeat her question but stammers. Russia then repeats her question of where the dorm is. Seychelles apologizes and tells him it's okay, but Russia then asks where the dorm room is. Lithuania explains that he's in the school for a short-term period and that explaining it is difficult. He trails off, and Seychelles wonders why they're staring at her. Seychelles becomes somewhat embarrassed, though Russia explains that Austria's one of the staff and can take her there. She thinks to herself of how she's become relieved at the idea of getting away from Russia more than the idea of getting to the dorm. Russia asks Seychelles if he carried out his duty, and she agrees. But as she tries to leave, Russia grabs her by the collar and tells her that she happens to be the colony of a country he hates very much. He adds that if she doesn't like being England's territory, she can come see him and he'll let her quit. Russia bids Seychelles goodbye, as she shivers in fear. Lithuania then warns Seychelles to not hang out with Russia so much, for the sake of her future. He explains that she can't be careless, as both Russia and the school are quite dangerous and she'll end up suffering under Russia the way he is. Russia then calls Lithuania's name, causing him to panic as he bids Seychelles goodbye as well. Austria calls for Seychelles again, and she approaches him. He explains that he was worried that she was being picked on for being English territory, but adds that it was only a joke after Seychelles asks him how he knew. Austria guides her to the dormitories, and states that moral control and freshmen control are the committee's duties. He tells her that he was modeled from the Hallstatt culture of the 5th century, but was born as the Archduchy of Austria in 1156 and lived in the. In the 15th century, he was part of the and grew up, but due to the , he spent his youth in the middle of trouble. Seychelles is dumbfounded at Austria's long introduction, but tells him that she understands though she really doesn't and says that he's a great person. Seychelles can't tell if he's serious or not, but Austria continues to state that he's a country that's famous for its music and that Beethoven and Schubert were raised there. Seychelles recognizes the name of Beethoven and explains that her grandfather has a record of him. She states that she often listens to the 5th symphony, while Austria replies that he used to play that music. Austria then explains that Beethoven was known for being a deaf composer, but that latest research suggests that his deafness and death were due to a large amount of arsenic. He then goes into an explanation of how Vienna had river poisoning and how Beethoven must have ingested arsenic from polluted fish. Part 10 After listening to Austria's long speech about music, Seychelles finds that they have finally arrived at the women's dormitory, though Austria expresses displeasure about the rooms not being soundproof. The two are then greeted by , who is disappointed to see that Austria is already leaving as she had been waiting for him. Seychelles introduces herself in return, but explains to Hungary that her place isn't as wonderful as thought as the cost of living is high and there are too many turtles. Hungary finds the part about turtles cute, and asks Seychelles if she wants to go to her room or the cafeteria. Seychelles decides that she'll go drink at the cafeteria, and Hungary shows her the way. Part 11 Hungary leads Seychelles back to her room after they're done. Seychelles thinks of how it's only been her first day at the school, but so many things have happened. She thinks of how on the islands, all she did was wake up, catch fish, dance, sing, eat and sleep. She thinks of how there were geeky boys, scary boys, and weak boys, and how Austria took her to the dorms and how cute Hungary was. She goes on to think that she feels like she skipped something, though she feels good about it. Seychelles prepares for bed, and finds herself very sleepy. Part 12 Depending on which flag choice you chose earlier in the game, the following part will build on it and has three variations. If You Have England's Flag Seychelles is awoken by an announcement telling her that there is a phone call for her. Seychelles asks Hungary if she has a parental figure, and Hungary answers that she was from an equestrian tribe and raised by Hun, who was very strict. Hungary tells Seychelles of how her neighbors loved to fight, and how she used to lose a lot in fights. She grows increasingly agitated as she becomes reminded of her failure, and loudly curses having been beat up by the , Romania, and the Mongols. Hungary abruptly apologizes to Seychelles for her outburst, though Seychelles decides that she's all too glad to have been a lonely island. Hungary takes Seychelles to the front office, where she answers the phone. England is amazed, and tells her that he wants to hear about her experience in detail, while Seychelles is baffled that he actually fell for her story. England then says that since it was her first day at school, he wanted to treat her to dinner as he's a country of gentlemen which Seychelles feels to be quite a lie. Seychelles asks him if they can have dinner the next night, and seems surprised that he has a nice side to him. Seychelles tells Hungary that England wanted to have dinner with her, to which Hungary says is very much like him as he pays a lot of attention to manners. France's Flag Seychelles dreams of a moment in the past, when someone came to her island. Her grandfather realizes that their quiet islands will soon become noisier. Seychelles wonders what he means, but then a younger France appears. Manga Flag Seychelles wakes up and finds herself bored, so she starts to read through the manga a collected edition of Advance! But she winds up confused by the strange manga and doesn't get it, so she goes back to sleep. Part 13 Seychelles is awoken by the morning sun, and continues to find her surroundings unusual as two-story buildings that aren't hotels are very rare where she's from. She gets ready to go to class, but finds that her room is still filled with boxes. Later on, outside the dorm, the two run into Austria. He asks her if she ate her breakfast properly, noting that girls her age tend to be on diets and skip eating meat. Seychelles answers that she'll keep eating all her breakfast, as she wonders just how old France is. France then offers to escort her to school. Seychelles thinks of how happy she is that he came to see her, though she then wonders if he's pulling another move to hit on her. France wonders why she hesitates, though Seychelles tells him that she's happy he came to take her. France replies that he's thinking of coming there every day, as Seychelles thinks of how ashamed she would be if friends spotted her with him. The two walk through a town, Seychelles wondering if everything will go well at school. France insists that he'll help her out, but then asks if she's cold. Seychelles replies that she is, and that she didn't know that autumn could be so cold. She feels scared that winter could be even colder, though France laughs and says she has nothing to worry about. He proceeds to grope her and says that they can always walk close together everyday. Seychelles screams at him and calls him a pervert. France apologizes for getting so close to her, while Seychelles apologizes for yelling. She thinks to herself how France will be France. Part 15 In class, Seychelles finds the freezing air to be too harsh as the average lowest temperature she's had would be 24 degrees Celsius. The other students agree that it's cold, but say that heated classrooms are only for the Europe students. One student remarks that they heard it might even snow too. Seychelles wonders what snow would be like, but is interrupted by England calling her to the student council room. One of the students urges her to be strong. In the student council room, England orders Seychelles to make him some tea, and lectures her on how to make it. When she suggests that he's being too obsessive over it, he says that tea is an obsession that an Englishman can't live without. He then orders her to make the tea, though she forgot the directions. The scene ends with England yelling at Seychelles for her various failures in making the tea. Seychelles remarks that the tea got a bit worse, so he should shut up. England demands to know why she's acting so smug, though Seychelles says that he of all people shouldn't be saying that. England orders her to drink the tea. Seychelles wonders if she can bring it back home for her grandfather, though England says she'd have to buy the utensils too. Part 16 After school, Seychelles realizes that the only thing she learned to do was make tea, as she didn't get to go to any classes. She wonders what she shall do. It is here that several pages are shown to be missing from the script, from after this one 27 to page 32. It is unknown what may come between these parts. Part 17 Page 32 Seychelles gets another telephone call from England, who demands to know why she left early again. Seychelles apologizes again, though England says that he'll ask her reason the next day and that he's tired. Seychelles realizes that she forgot about their appointment and acted bad, and plans to apologize to him in the morning. Game Endings These take place after the missing pages 33-89 of the script. It is unknown what occurs in those pages, or how many other endings Himaruya may have planned for the game. Bad End France : France-sama If the player does not have enough affinity points with England, this ending will occur. Seychelles is feeling down about her tough life in the school, and how she still can't understand England. France says that she doesn't need to understand him, as even though they've been inseparable, in a bad way, he hasn't been able to understand him either. When Seychelles states that she doesn't feel like being England's colony anymore, France offers to help her. Though his laughter makes her feel uneasy, she feels that she'll let him do so. England and France meet behind the school, and get into a fight, France ordering England to surrender his dominion over Seychelles. She falls under France's control, and he proceeds to feel her up, explaining that they're an expression of love. Seychelles thinks that if being loved means being happy, she'll be fine. France invites her to dinner at his house, to which she accepts as she wants to eat oysters. Seychelles is amazed at France's house, finding it to be larger than the town hall in Victoria her capital. She says that she's happy to be a French colony, but France leads her in a different direction than the dining room. France remarks on how pure and cute she is, as he adds that the situation will lead to that. He locks the door, and says that there would be only one thing to do. A disturbing aura surrounds him, and the credits roll. Bad End England : Welcome To Team Axis Seychelles is frustrated at having been put to work by England, but feels that she must hold on so she can give him his payback. She finishes cleaning the library, though finds a falling bookshelf to be a nuisance. England orders her to make his tea, but Seychelles hits him instead, and decides to declare war on him. Seychelles leaves, as England panics. Behind the gymnasium, Seychelles runs into the Axis and begs them to let her join them. She declares that she's no longer one of England's colonies and will be whatever they want her to be. Germany tells her to calm down, though a raging Seychelles screams that she'll knock England down and kill him. She screams over and over that she declares war. It is unknown if the characters play any larger role in the extended game, though scrapped concept art of their class uniforms is in existence. They state that they took their name from the former Kingdom of Buganda. They like to weave baskets and bead things, and believe that they can cook seswaa the best. He is made fun of by the rest of the class for being this, and is nervous to admit to it. Himaruya also mentioned plans to include a Libya character when he originally announced the game. However, Libya does not appear in the demo or in what has been shown of the screenplay. Voice Cast Demo version In the demo, there are only three characters that are voiced. The screenplay was meant for the actors from The Code For Flower Of Iris, though it is unknown which of the other characters would have been given voices in the actual game. In Academy Hetalia Christmas, the teenage versions of the Axis Germany, Italy, and Japan go around the school to survey the other students on how they celebrate their Christmas. The Allies also make an appearance, along with Switzerland and. However, a later blog post by Himaruya on Bamboo Thicketstates that Hungary's ancestor is Magyar. It remains to be seen which name he will go with if the character appears in the comic.
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